First finished stocking
I finished my first Christmas stocking a few days ago, but it's taken me a while to actually sew it together. This time I actually read the instructions for matress stitch rather than just whinging it, which is always a bad move with sewing.
I'm really pleased with how it came out:

This was my first real fair-isle project, and I think it came out really well.
I designed the patterns myself on Excel, although the red swirl pattern did take inspiration from a pattern in the fair-isle sampler in Knitting for Dummies. I think the snowflake pattern is my favourite.
1 down, 3 to go!
(Yes, this is one more than I originally said - but then I thought about it for a bit and realised I couldn't knit my housemates stockings and not have one for myself. So, three to go!)
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